Self-publishers are the engine powering a creative machine.
With online tools and platforms for marketing and sales, you can promote your published work to the masses! Self-published authors can create and post content and videos and share them on social media. They can guest post excerpts on blogs that are popular with their target readership. They can sell their books in local bookstores or online and collect all the profits of their sales. Learn more about how to get your book in stores and sell it online in our Video Resource on Book Marketing and Promotion.
The copyright page is most commonly found on the back of the book's title page.
The copyright page is standard in any book — whether it's poetry, fiction, nonfiction, memoir, or comic. Self-published books are no different, so they should include a copyright page. As a part of the front matter, a book's copyright page is very important, especially if you want to protect your writing from plagiarism. The front matter also includes sections such as the epigraph, the dedication, the foreword, the prologue, etc. Copyright protects your work from unauthorized reproduction and copyrights are issued by the U.S. Copyright Office. Learn more about how copyright works and how to protect your intellectual property in our Video Resource on Copyright Page. Let's face it, when you're dealing with tens of thousands of words, typos happen, and sometimes it's hard for the author to see them since they've been working with the text for so long.
Book editing is an important step in the publishing process — and just because you're self-publishing doesn't mean you have to self-edit, too. We actually recommend getting a second (or third!) pair of eyes on your manuscript so you can make sure it's in tip-top shape.! Editing and proofreading is an important step for any publisher. Discover your options when it comes to editing services and get advice on how to edit a manuscript in our Video Resource on Book Editing. As a self-publisher, you have full freedom of your own artistic expressions when laying out the interior of your book.
And with a word processing program, you can transform your manuscript into a professional book design. The front cover of the book is a critical design element. A book cover must include the title of the book, the author's name, and any design elements that will catch the reader's eye. The spine of the book traditionally includes the title of the book and the author's name on it. The back cover often has the author's biography, the book's ISBN number, and some testimonials about the book. Discover the elements that constitute good layout and design from cover to cover in our Video Resource on Book Design. Learn about font size, line spacing, page numbering and more. The design and layout is an important part of getting your manuscript ready to be published. Bowker is the only agency in the United States that can issue ISBNs.
Buying an ISBN directly from Bowker at is the only way that you will be the owner of that ISBN. International Standard Book Numbers, also known as ISBNs, are required to publish and distribute a book through booksellers. ISBNs are used to identify books across the world, and nearly all booksellers require books to have a unique ISBN Ownership of an ISBN number is not transferable, so all other companies that are selling the numbers are the registered owner of the ISBN number. Learn more about ISBN and how to get your own without losing your rights as a publisher in our Video Resource on ISBN. One of the benefits of self-publishing is that rather than a percentage of sales going to the author and the rest going to the publisher, the author keeps 100% of the profits.
Or, at least, they should be able to keep 100% of the profits. Book publishing royalties are paid after a book's release and are a percentage of each book sale that goes to the author. With royalties, the better the book sells, the more money an author earns as the number of book sales increases. That's absolutely the case when you work with JLEPublishingServices, but unfortunately it's not the case with all self-publishing companies. Learn more about royalties and profits in our Video Resource on Book Royalties. If you do choose to work with a company that makes its self-publishers sign book publishing contract terms, you should definitely have a lawyer look it over before you sign it.
You sign the wrong contract, you might end up losing the rights and royalties to a potential audiobook, the eBook, or even future edition updates. When you publish a book, you don't have to make any compromises. As the publisher, you should retain all the rights to your work and maintain control over it. If you work with a publishing company that is asking you to sign a contract, be wary. Here is a Free Video Self-Publishing Resource where you can learn more about Publishing Contracts. At JLE Publishing Services, we celebrate the victory of every accomplished author.
And, for those just beginning their research to learn the best way to turn their manuscript into a book, we're here to help you steer clear of vanity presses and what we call 'black hat' book publishing companies. Though not all, some employ deceptive practices and take advantage of new authors. The publishing industry has boomed in the last decade, and so have companies looking to exploit authors. The good news for authors is that a professional self-publishing company is here and available to everyone that wants to write.! To successfully publish a manuscript, you have to know what you're doing, avoid the traps of exploitative book publishing houses, and have a state-of-the-art book manufacturing partner in your corner. Check out our resources on self-publishing companies and what to look for in a publishing company. While we think JLE Publishing Services is the best publishing service company for self-publishers, we appreciate the opportunity to teach you what we know about the publishing and self-publishing industry based on our experiences so you can make an informed choice as an aspired published author. In your journey to self-publish a seed of thought into a real-life book in your hand, you're nearing the time of birth! With your words on the page, you're a few steps away from getting a crisp-paged book you can flip through. Your creative writings will pass along your stories and ideas and live in the hands of people like you and me. One of the first steps you can take when it comes to publishing a book is to educate yourself. Please review our topics related to the following common Self-Publishing Issues. |